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Cheese Paper

Cheese Paper

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    Andrew, Glasgow

    Wax Papers Hub has made wax paper e­xciting! Their eco-friendly options ke­ep my meals fresh and my pe­ace of mind intact.

    Sophie­, Oxford

    After unique che­eseboard touch? Wax Papers Hub's custom print che­ese paper stole­ the show! My guests adored it

    Benjamin, London

    Recommended my peers to Wax Pape­rs Hub. Their wax paper rolls are safe­ for the environment and cut plastic use­

    Hannah, Cambridge

    A treasure­ indeed! The custom parchme­nt from Wax Papers Hub is tailor-made for baking artistry. Decorate­s cakes and pastries beautifully

    Matthew, Birmingham

    Purchasing from Wax Papers Hub located in the Channe­l Islands is so easy. Their wax deli packs ke­ep my homemade goodie­s in prime condition.

    Victoria, Oxford

    I enjoy backing local e­nterprises! The wax she­ets from Wax Papers Hub are top-notch quality and re­asonably priced. And, they're best in the whole UK!

    Keep Your Cheese Fresh And Intact With Cheese Paper UK.

    Maintain your cheese flavour and freshness with cheese paper from Wax Papers Hub. Cheese is a beloved delicacy enjoyed all over the world and deserves special care. Paper for cheese emerges as a reliable solution for preserving cheese. It is specially designed to preserve the texture and flavour of cheese, unlike regular wax paper. Their unique composition regulates airflow and moisture. It prevents the cheese from drying out quickly or developing mould. 

    Printing Techniques For Cheese Paper

    • Flexography printing
    • Digital printing
    • Screen printing
    • Offset printing
    • UV printing

    Features Of Cheese Wrapping Paper

    • Cheese paper is designed to maintain the optimal moisture level for cheese. It prevents cheese from becoming too dry or excessively moist, which can compromise taste and texture. 
    • The porous nature of wax paper for cheese allows it to breathe. It prevents the buildup of excess moisture with a protective barrier against external factors.
    • The specialized design of cheese board paper and greaseproof paper inhibit the growth of mould by controlling the cheese’s exposure to air and moisture. It extends cheese's shelf life.
    • Their non-stick surface ensures easy wrapping and unwrapping without sticking. It preserves the cheese's shape and integrity.
    • To accommodate different types and sizes of cheese, get various sizes and formats. The formats include paper rolls and pre-cut sheets.

    Types Of Add-Ons For Cheese Board Paper

    • Include cheese labels to easily identify their type.
    • Insert cheese markers to label the cheese directly.
    • Extend the life span of cheese with vacuum seal bags.
    • Maintain optimal conditions with humidity control packs.
    • Include cheese knives for convenience.
    • Add recipe cards to inspire creativity and encourage customers.

    Why should you choose cheese paper rolls?

    • Get paper for cheese to regulate moisture and airflow. It extends the freshness and allows cheese to retain its flavour profile and texture.
    • It helps reduce food waste and preserve cheese for an extended time. Minimize the need to discard spoiled portions.
    • Maintain the ideal conditions for cheese storage. It preserves the integrity and quality of the cheese’s flavour. It ensures a consistently delicious taste.
    • You can store soft, hard, and semi-soft types of cheeses. We make it a versatile option for cheese lovers.
    • We make it convenient for storing and transporting with its compact design and convenient features.

    How to use cheese board paper?

    • Place the cheese on cheese paper. Wrap the cheese securely to ensure full coverage of all slides.
    • To create a sealed package, fold the ends of the paper. It prevents air from entering and moisture from escaping.
    • Store the wrapped cheese in the refrigerator or cheese drawer. Keep the cheese at the recommended temperature for the specific types.
    • Consider reusing the paper for future cheese storage after consuming the cheese. Replace it with a fresh sheet for optimal preservation. 

    Buy Cheese Paper - Wax Paper Hub UK

    Cheese paper is readily available both in-store and online in the United Kingdom. Wax Paper Hub caters to everyone, from cheese connoisseurs to casual enthusiasts. We offer a wide selection of high-quality paper options to suit all needs. Invest in our food packaging solution to ensure the freshness and quality of your cheese. You must prioritise products that are specifically designed for cheese preservation to maximize efficiency. Get paper in rolls or pre-cut sheets according to your packaging needs. This paper serves as a staple tool for preserving quality, texture, and flavour. Get moisture-regulating properties, breathability, and mould-inhibiting to ensure the longevity of cheese. Our company offers a reliable solution for cheese preservation. You can preserve any type of cheese. Let us enhance your culinary experience, one bite at a time.
    1 4" x 4" 5" x 5" 6" x 5" 6" x 6"
    2 7" x 5" 7" x 7" 8" x 5" 8" x 6"
    3 8" x 8" 8.5" x 11" 9" x 5" 9" x 6"
    4 9" x 9" 10" x 5" 10" x 6" 10" x 8"
    5 10" x 10" 10.75" x 10" 12" x 6" 12" x 8"
    6 12" x 9" 12" x 10" 12" x 12" 13" x 6"
    7 13" x 9" 13" x 10" 13" x 13" 14" x 12"
    8 15" x 9" 15" x 10.75" 15" x 12" 15" x 13"
    9 16" x 12" 17" x 11" 18" x 10" 18" x 12"
    10 18" x 13" 20" x 10" 20" x 12" 20" x 13"
    11 20" x 15" 20" x 18" 20" x 20" 20" x 25"
    12 20" x 28"


    How does cheese wrapping paper work?

    Cheese paper is typically coated with a special material that allows moisture to escape. It prevents excess moisture from entering and creates an optimal environment for cheese storage.

    Why is cheese paper important?

    The cheese paper is important because it helps maintain the ideal humidity level around the cheese. It prevents the cheese from drying out or becoming too moist, as it can affect cheese texture and flavour.

    How to customize cheese paper?

    Customize your paper by adding a personal touch and making it more innovative. Here are some customization options:

    • Promote your brand with different branding features.
    • Reflect on the theme of your event, business, or personal needs with custom designs, patterns, and images.
    • Include labels such as cheese type, origin, flavour profile, and expiration date. To match the overall aesthetics, customize labels with several shapes, fonts, and colours.
    • Get custom cuts and add personalized messages.
    • Opt for textured cheese paper for a rustic look.

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